Another Stupid Marathon 2023

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It's not just a marathon, it's Another Stupid Marathon! 

This fall we are challenging you to run, walk, swim, jump, skip or crawl a marathon (26.2 miles) over the course of 30 days weeks.  Starting on October 6th and ending on the day of the NYC Marathon, November 5th, 2023, you can start any time, anywhere! 

Step 1: Register! You can participate in Another Stupid Marathon on your own or with a team. We encourage you to get your friends, sports teams, co-workers and mortal enemies together to participate together. We also want to see you participating with your pets - so get those leashes out and paws up. 

Step 2: Fundraise! All proceeds from Another Stupid Marathon wills support Stupid Cancer's mission to help adolescent and young adult cancer patients get busy living. Post to social media, send out e-mails or host a fundraiser to raise funds and help make cancer suck less.

Step 3: Track your progress! You can keep track of your mileage on your personal fundraising page by connecting your Strava or entering your mileage with the goal of hitting 26.2 miles!

Step 4: Be a Finisher! Once you hit that 26.2 miles it's official - you're a marathoner. We'll be sending you some swag to thank you and congratulate you on this big achievement!


So grab a friend, family member, coworker, pet to join in the run,
or lace up your sneakers solo, and let's cross this finish line! 




1. What is Another Stupid Marathon?
Formerly known as the Stupid Cancer Fitness Challenge, Another Stupid Marathon is your chance to run, walk, or crawl a marathon (26.2 miles) over the course of one month at your own pace and in your own space - all while raising funds alongside your peers to support the AYA cancer community. 

2. I've never done a marathon before, how do they work?
Once you sign up, you'll recruit your team, track your miles, and fundraise towards your run. Check out our tips and resources to help kickstart your fundraiser here.

3. Can I participate if I don't reside in the United States?
Absolutely! To quote the diva, Celine Dion, you can join us, "Near, far, wherever you are!"

4. Where do the funds raised go?/being used for?
With your help we can make cancer suck less for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA, 15- 39) by ending isolation. The funds you raise during Another Stupid Marathon goes towards our programming including CancerCon Live, our monthly Discussion Series and in-person meetups to name a few.

5. Are there other ways to support Another Stupid Marathon?
If you are unable to join the marathon at this time, simply donate and/or share the link with your network and friends. Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a sponsor of Another Stupid Marathon? Check out our prospectus here

$18,814.2 Raised


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Interested in becoming a sponsor for Another Stupid Marathon?
Partnering with Stupid Cancer puts you in front of thousands of young people deeply connected to our mission of making cancer suck less. Sponsorship gives you direct and meaningful exposure to our engaged audience with customizable sponsor benefits. Check out our prospectus here!

$ raised of $ goal


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